Try djot instead of markdown

On Pranab’s site

Feb 03, 2024 to right arrow Apr 13, 2024 (IST)

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  1. Generic blocks and attributes
  3. Raw blocks
  4. Try it out

Djot is a pretty cool markup format that contains the lessons learnt by the author of the CommonMark spec and implementation.

I’ve mentioned it here and there, and thought I might as well write about it.

Generic blocks and attributes🔗

One of the coolest features is generic blocks, which are called “divs” and “spans” in the spec1, as well as a method to add attributes to any element.


spec/syntax description

::: class-name
A paragraph inside the div

Markdown would require HTML to do anything like this.

In addition to divs and spans, attributes can be attached to anything using curly braces.

Warning{.big .red data-type="warning"}

The above markup will create a span with the “big red” class and the data-type="warning" attribute.

Again, markdown would require HTML to do anything of the sort.

Now, when I say attributes can be attached to anything, I mean anything.

## My heading

An important paragraph,
likely styled with big text.

*some bold text that's also red*{.red}

var answer = '42';


Comments are solved in a very clever way.

Attributes can have comments inside them:

{.big .red % comment: red for warning % .important}

The text between the percent signs is a comment.

To have an independent comment, simply remove any other content from the attribute block.

{% This is a comment %}

Raw blocks🔗

Another useful construct is raw blocks, which allow you to pass something into the final output as is, depending on the export format you select, without any escaping or processing.

If I were exporting to HTML, and I wanted to have some specific HTML markup in the output, I could do the following:

``` =html
<my-html-tag-soup />

The inline version of the same is:

Some `<my-tag-soup />`{=html} inline

Try it out🔗

Overall it’s a really cool format, and you can try it out now in the live sandbox!

Live sandbox

If you like it, you can see if one of the implementations listed in the home page might suit your purposes.

Djot home page

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