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SSG attempt 1 notes

Jun 24, 2024 (IST)

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  1. Goals
  2. Codeberg pages redirects
  3. Proper builds
  4. Other issues
  5. Design introduction
    1. Few more issues

I made a little progress on creating my own SSG, but I decided it would take too much time and I need to work on my base skills first.

One roadblock was Codeberg pages redirects not working properly, Then I also figured that doing proper builds would require a lot of work.


Before I start, this project was an attempt of two things: using djot for authoring pages, and using HTML (manipulation) to glue things.

🔗Codeberg pages redirects

So, I like my built files to be in the same directory that I’m working in, and I see no reason to not build the site on my machine, since I’m already doing the work.

In light of that, I liked Codeberg’s _redirects file. It lets you specify something like /* /build/:splat 200, which serves all requests at the root from the build folder, without rewriting any URLs.

It just has a few bugs right now.

Issue report on Codeberg

I could try using worktrees or submodules with a simple git hook to deploy pages, but then I’d have to deal with other issues like managing builds correctly, not to mention the complexity of git.

🔗Proper builds

There’s a lot of things to be handled here:

Some of these ideas are from the ninja author’s notes on ninja and a successor called n2, which would be good resources for approaching the issue. The design notes have a lot of useful information, as well as the links in the project’s README file.

Design notes on n2

n2 (pronounced “into”) on Github

Using some sort of build library might also be an option, though that’ll be another dependency to figure out, which might require me to contort my design, and they might encounter the pitfalls recorded in the design notes for n2.

I could try using a simple method of rebuilding everything and working through all the pages in the contents folder, but it would probably cause strife, and I still have to deal with other issues.

🔗Other issues

I have to figure out the design and code for things like backlinks, custom components, build hooks, templating, etc.

In addition to that, I have to do a lot of reasearch to figure out which APIs I can use and how. I’ve already encountered many little roadblocks.

At a certain scale, I might also want to use Typescript, but I’m still learning Javascript.

I’m also working on multiple layers of abstraction right now. In the current project repo, I have a bunch of custom CSS/JS stuff for handling a dark/light mode toggle.

SSG attempt 1 repo

There’s a few more issues at the end of the design introduction:

🔗Design introduction

Folder structure:


build is where the built site is stored.

content and extra are the two types of input for generating the site. extra contains “extra” data like templates and maybe some data files to build pages from? content contains files that will be copied over with minimal changes, that form the content of the site. Maybe main.js and main.css shouldn’t be in there — I probably put them there because I had logic for copying anything that wasn’t djot files.

_redirects is something specific to Codeberg pages, which allows you to specify redirects for your pages.

ssg.js is the build script.

It works by working through all the files in content/. If it’s not a djot file, it simply copies it over to build/, and if it is a djot file, then it converts it to HTML, inserts its contents into the template, and copies over the resulting page to build/.

🔗Few more issues

This reminds me of a few more issues: