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Static Site Build Tool

Apr 20, 2023 to right arrow Oct 29, 2023 (IST)

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  1. Prior Art
  2. Templating
  3. Build Tools
  4. Authoring
    1. Front Matter
  5. Content Layout
  6. Development and Testing
  7. Image Optimisation
  8. Content Templates
  9. HTML Processing
  10. Documentation and Help

I’ve just been thinking of what it would be like to have a static site build script. You would have dependency management, parallelisation, task runners/commands, and access to all sorts of (cli) tools (including your own scripts and binaries).

EDIT: might be the way to go. It lets you run any cli tool and use it in your site building, as well as a few other cool things.

🔗Prior Art

Some similar tools already exist in the form of and sss (inspired by mkws), but my idea is a bit different — you use a build tool to stitch everything together, as opposed to a shell script, which can easily track which files need to be rebuilt, gives you simple commands to run, can (usually) easily perform parallel computation, and is quite easy to extend. Plus, I discovered you can use python as the shell in make. And I wouldn’t really want to use pp — it’s a bit cumbersome.


I’d prefer it if pp used a cleaner syntax like {{ shell }}, which makes inlining so much cleaner, and it handles indenting better as well, which some file formats really care about. I’d also like to have the option to customise which shell to use, since I’m more familiar with fish shell — there is absolutely no reason to use (d)ash for a personal site. Update: turns out it’s quite easy to make your own templating engine in fish shell!

Otherwise, you could always use a cli templating engine like j2cli.

Going through the Pop!_OS package repository, there are a lot of cli html templating engines, such as ace, amber, cl-lml2, and aft.

🔗Build Tools

The build tool can also be anything that you like — I like something like make, tup or redo since they integrate with the shell pretty well, and there’s a lot of file management in there, plus the shell makes excellent glue code. Otherwise you could use something like meson/ninja or shake, if you want something really powerful. Actually, shake might be a good bet if you know haskell, since (I think) you can plug in other libraries for each step, to make a much more cohesive and well-integrated program. There’s even overlord for a (common) lisp build system, or buck2 if you want somethind industrial gradeTM (that’s a joke).

NOTE: If you’re using make, the .ONESHELL directive runs the steps in a command in the same shell instance, otherwise make runs each one in a separate shell.


You can use any file format you want for authoring, including the dialect of whatever markup language you choose. Some interesting languages are typst and djot, although typst doesn’t have HTML output yet (as of the time of writing this article; if you look at the design of typst, the pdf output, and the github issues, however, you can be sure that it’ll be really solid). I used to really like [asciidoc][asciidoc], but the tooling around it is a bit limited, so you need to know ruby/java to extend it, which is why I didn’t get around to having a blog for bloody ages. Use a common static site generator if this is your first time, and read through the docs, examples and discussion — you can do almost anything you want and more. It might help to start with a test blog, where you just write down random thoughts and articles, without actually deploying it anywhere. Anyway, rant aside, the point is that there’s some really cool markup languages out there.

🔗Front Matter

You could use a different front matter format, or no front matter at all! Let your site builder handle the rest automatically! Maybe read it out from the file system. Maybe with a git hook that gets dates from git. Maybe some other step that creates file hashes and stores dates in a db? Maybe a prompt for metainformation about unknown files that gets saved in a db.

🔗Content Layout

You could adopt a structure where you dump everything into the content directory, and if there’s a build step for that file (type) it gets processed according to the build step, else it’s copied directly to the build directory.

Some (most?) build systems even prioritise specificity when it comes to applying a build step, so you can set certain files (or classes of files, based on the file name) to use custom processing/templating. You could just rely on ordering, otherwise — simply place the more specific ones higher up, and the files it doesn’t match will get passed along to the more general rules, while the ones you want to treat specially are caught by the more specific rule at the top.

🔗Development and Testing

For serving the pages live while you develop and test, you can plug in something like miniserve (to serve files on your device and local network), with entr (to automatically rebuild on file change) and live.js (injected into your html pages for auto-reload).

You’ll need to set up your site builder to use relative paths or set the url to be the local ip used by miniserve 1 or your preferred dev server in order to preview the links locally, otherwise it would take you to your production site.


miniserve displays a list of ips, but you could also find out by running ifconfig | grep 192. If you use ifconfig use the second ip starting with 192.168 and add :8080 at the end. miniserve tends to use 8080, but you might need to change it if it says something else.

You could even use caddy or some other server thing. There’s actually plenty of them — especially in the Go and Rust space. You can even use a python one-liner — I think it’s python3 -m http.server.

In fact, caddy seems to have markdown rendering and template evaluation. Dang. That makes a great development environment, although it might be a bit overkill, and it will probably cause some config duplication.

Alternatively, you could write your own tool to create a file server that works as expected — it would automatically serve index.html files from directories, and edit the base url in internal pages to point to the local network.

🔗Image Optimisation

You can add build steps for most images, where they are optimised for file size and converted to multiple (display) sizes. Multiple display sizes directly affect resolution and therefore the final file size, and the browser can often decide which one to pick if you simply list all of them in a figure tag (or something like that).

Using this entire system gives you the freedom to plug in all sorts of things and create a system that aligns with your workflow, instead of tying you to the assumptions (such as markdown authoring) of the static site generator.

You will, of course, have to edit your templates to use the processed images. You can use srcset attributes in img tags, or use a figure element, and the browser will automatically pick the most appropriate image.

See the mdn web docs article on responsive images for a comprehensive guide.

CSS-Tricks also has a great article on reponsive images.

🔗Content Templates

You can make content file templates that you can instantiate with a simple new command. This is especially useful if you’re using custom front matter or special pages, which you might forget about. For example, if you’re authoring files in markdown, then you could store some template markdown files, like and, and then use build-tool new blog or build-tool new tutorial to create a new post using the given template.

🔗HTML Processing

You might want to edit the generated HTML for your pages, even to a small degree where you replace a span with a div, or the other way around.

One tool I’ve found xmlstarlet, which can structurally edit xml files, and has some amount of praise around the internet.

Alternatively, xml2 2 converts XML/HTML to line-oriented formats that can be manipulated with the usual Unix tools, which frankly sounds exciting. (A very similar tool for json is gron. You should check it out if you already know the unix tools.) Additionally, a github user called dbohdan maintains a list of structured text tools, which includes some xml tools that could be useful.


See xml2 in the Ubuntu package repositories. Website available on

You could also use a mardown converter that lets you hook into it’s HTML generator and create custom HTML output. I don’t know of any such tool yet, but it could expose the parts of the structure as variables, which you could feed into a template.

🔗Documentation and Help

Getting this method to really work for people would require some good documentation and examples to accompany it, because it’s all about customisability and control, which will require a lot of research and experimentation that could prohibit people from developing the site they want if the information is not available up front. This includes a list of tools, how to use them, best practices, common issues, a public forum or chat (like Zulip 3), and more.


Zulip allows you to make some chats visible to everyone on the internet, regardless of whether they’re signed up and part of your organisation or not. I believe this is a very important step for reducing friction for new users. See the oilshell/oils-for-unix project for an example.

A good documentation project around this system should allow anyone to easily create their own site builder in a programming language of their choice (except, perhaps, for a good parallel build system). And then they could contribute further to the documentation. Maybe. Is there a general website covering different static site generators and how they work? That might be the place for such documentation. Maybe link to good shell scripting practices as well.

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